Eufy RoboVac Side Brush Not Spinning [SOLVED]

Eufy is one of the best brands of robot vacuum cleaners out there, and I personally love them!

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However, no matter how popular or good a brand is, all vacuums can malfunction eventually.

A common issue is the Eufy RoboVac side brush not spinning. But why does that happen?

If your Eufy RoboVac side brush is not spinning, it may be due to the side brush module being jammed, a poorly-lubricated side brush motor, or lodged debris inside the gearbox or under the side brush.

In this guide, I will help you troubleshoot the issue and walk you through fixing it.

Eufy RoboVac Side Brush Not Spinning – An Easy Guide

A Eufy RoboVac side brush can stop spinning due to the following reasons:

  • The side brush needs cleaning
  • Dirty side brush motor
  • Poorly-lubricated side brush motor
  • Lodged debris under the side brush

This guide will help you troubleshoot the issue and hopefully fix it without the need to contact Eufy customer support.

However, make sure you contact Eufy if you feel stuck or if none of the steps has worked for you.

How Do You Fix A Eufy RoboVac Side Brush That Doesn’t Spin?

Follow the steps below to fix a Eufy RoboVac vacuum brush that does not spin.

Start with step 1 and stop if a particular step has helped you fix the issue:

1. Clean The Eufy RoboVac Side Brush

  • Turn the Eufy RoboVac upsidedown
  • Undo the screw located in the middle of the side brush
  • Remove the side brush by gently pulling it.
  • If you are finding it hard to remove it, utilize a plastic opening tool to take the brush out
  • Put the device back together by following the steps in reverse

2. Clean and lubricate The Side Brush Motor Shaft

  • Undo the screws located at the bottom of your Eufy RoboVac
  • Remove the rear cover
  • Undo the screws that keep the side brush motor shaft in place
  • Disassemble the motor shaft, clean it and apply a small amount of oil
  • Put everything back together 
  • Test the side brush using your finger to see if it spins smoothly

3. Replace The Eufy RoboVac Side Brush

If cleaning and lubricating both the side brush and the motor shaft does not help, try to replace the side brush.

You can easily order an Eufy RoboVac side brush on Amazon

4. Use Your Eufy RoboVac Without Side Brush

If the side brush still doesn’t work after replacing it, you can simply use your Eufy RoboVac without the side brush.

In fact, you could even try this and see how it works for you before purchasing a new side brush.

Your Eufy RoboVac will still be able to pick up dirt, though it will struggle to pick up the heavier debris.

An option would be to simply clean edges like base boards using a broom. 

Eufy RoboVac User Manual

Still having issues? 

Click here to view the Eufy RoboVac owner’s manual for further information on how to fix or maintain your robot vacuum cleaner.


What Does The Side Brush On Eufy RoboVac Do?

The side brush on the Eufy RoboVac helps the robot vacuum remove dirt, dust, and debris from edges like base boards.

Will Eufy RoboVac Work Without Side Brush?

Yes, the Eufy RoboVac works without side brushes and picks up dust, hair, and pet fur just fine. However, it will struggle to pick up heavier dirt as there will be no brush to lift the dirt towards the suction.

How Often To Replace Eufy RoboVac Side Brush?

On average, you should replace your Eufy RoboVac side brush every 6 to 12 months. However, you don’t need to do that if the side brush is working perfectly fine. Inspect the state of the brush bristles to see if replacement is necessary.


There are so many reasons why your Eufy RoboVac side brush may not be spinning. Troubleshooting is crucial to get your robot vacuum side brush to spin again.

To recap, try the following:

  1. Clean the Eufy RoboVac side brush
  2. Clean and lubricate the side brush motor shaft
  3. Replace the Eufy RoboVac side brush
  4. Use Your Eufy RoboVac without a side brush

Contact Eufy consumer care for further assistance.


  • Kevin L. Morris vacuupedia

    Hey there, I’m Kevin, from Colorado! I have been passionate about repairing appliances and electronics for the past 18 years. Modern vacuum cleaners break or malfunction way too often, so I have decided to contribute to and help my online readers with anything related to vacuums repair. I can’t wait to help you get your vacuum cleaner working again!

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