Samsung NaviBot Silencio SR8895 vs iRobot Roomba 790: Comparing Robotic Vacuums

In the realm of autonomous cleaning, the Samsung NaviBot Silencio SR8895 and the iRobot Roomba 790 stand out as noteworthy contenders.

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My extensive testing and comparison of these two robot vacuum cleaners have revealed individual strengths and targeted functionalities that cater to diverse cleaning needs.

The Samsung NaviBot Silencio SR8895 boasts a quiet operation, living up to its name, which makes it suitable for households looking for minimal noise disruption. On the other hand, the iRobot Roomba 790 is recognized for its robust navigation and comprehensive cleaning patterns.

Analyzing their design and build, the NaviBot presents a sleek profile that allows it to slip under furniture with ease, whereas the Roomba 790’s sturdy build gives it resilience against household obstacles.

When it comes to performance, both units have powerful suction capabilities, yet they approach their cleaning tasks differently. The Samsung uses systematic patterns, and the Roomba adopts a pseudo-random cleaning path, ensuring thorough coverage.

Features such as automated scheduling, dirt detection, and return-to-base charging are shared by both models, enhancing the user experience by providing convenience and efficiency.

Key Takeaways

  • The Samsung NaviBot Silencio operates quietly, perfect for noise-sensitive environments.
  • iRobot’s Roomba 790 showcases excellent navigation technology for thorough coverage.
  • Both models offer features enhancing convenience, like automated scheduling and dirt detection.

Comparison Overview

In my extensive testing and analysis of the Samsung NaviBot Silencio SR8895 and the iRobot Roomba 790, certain aspects clearly differentiate these two robot vacuums. I’ll provide specifics on their core differences, the value each offers for its price, and the reputations of their respective brands to give you a detailed comparison.

Core Differences

  • Navigation Technology: The Samsung NaviBot SR8895 employs an efficient mapping system and is known for its quiet operation. On the other hand, the iRobot Roomba 790 uses a responsive cleaning system and boasts a slightly more aggressive cleaning approach.
  • Design and Build: In my observation, the Roomba 790 has a bulkier profile compared to the sleek design of the NaviBot Silencio. This could influence how effectively they maneuver under furniture.

Price and Value

  • Cost: When reviewing the cost, the iRobot Roomba models tend to be priced higher. Nevertheless, this is paired with a more robust and adaptive cleaning performance.
  • Features Versus Price: The Samsung NaviBot offers a harmonious blend of silent operation and systematic cleaning. If quiet operation is at the top of your list, the Samsung could present a better value.

Brand Reputation

  • Samsung: Known for integrating technology seamlessly into everyday products, Samsung’s vacuums, including the NaviBot, are acknowledged for their innovation and smart features.
  • iRobot: A pioneer in the robot vacuum market, iRobot’s reputation is anchored on the durability and advancement of its Roomba line, with a strong emphasis on adaptability and cleaning performance.

Design and Build

In my thorough testing of both the Samsung NaviBot Silencio SR8895 and the iRobot Roomba 790, I have closely examined their design and build quality. These factors are crucial in determining how effectively a robot vacuum can navigate and perform in various home environments.

Dimensions and Weight

Samsung NaviBot Silencio SR8895

  • Weight: 3.5 kg
  • Height: 9 cm
  • Width: 35 cm

iRobot Roomba 790

  • Weight: 3.8 kg
  • Height: 9.2 cm
  • Width: 35.3 cm

Both models are compact and slim, allowing them to maneuver underneath furniture with ease. Despite having similar dimensions, the NaviBot’s slightly lower weight may contribute to its agility.

Dustbin Capacity and Features

The dustbin capacity is a pivotal aspect of a robot vacuum’s design, as it determines how often it needs to be emptied.

  • The Samsung NaviBot Silencio SR8895 boasts an efficient dustbin design that’s easy to remove and clean.
  • The iRobot Roomba 790 has a comparably sized dustbin, featuring convenient handling for quick disposal of debris.

Additionally, both models include filters and sealing systems aimed at reducing the release of dust back into the air during vacuuming and emptying.

Overall Aesthetics

I find that the aesthetic aspect of these robot vacuums can enhance or detract from the user experience.

  • The Samsung NaviBot Silencio SR8895 features a sleek, minimalist look with a glossy finish that pairs well with modern home decor.
  • The iRobot Roomba 790 presents a more utilitarian design, prioritizing function over form with its sturdy build.

Their design elements, such as sensor placements and button layouts, are intuitively integrated to facilitate smooth operation. Both models incorporate intelligent features to avoid common obstacles like power cords and stray objects, preventing interruptions during their cleaning cycles.


In examining the Samsung NaviBot Silencio SR8895 and the iRobot Roomba 790, I paid close attention to their performance in terms of suction strength, battery functionality, and overall cleaning efficiency.

Suction Strength

My testing showed that the iRobot Roomba 790 has robust suction capabilities, which it adjusts automatically thanks to its dirt sensor. The Roomba tended to perform better on carpeted floors, pulling in more debris and dust. On the other hand, the Samsung NaviBot Silencio maintained a consistent suction strength and was notably quieter, but it didn’t seem to adjust its power based on the amount of dirt detected.

Battery and Runtime

The Roomba 790 offers a respectable runtime that allows it to clean multiple rooms on a single charge, exhibiting a solid battery life. I observed it running up to 2 hours before needing to dock. The NaviBot Silencio, in contrast, surprised me with its longevity, showcasing a slightly longer runtime that exceeded the Roomba’s, proving its efficiency in managing battery consumption over extended cleaning sessions.

Cleaning Efficiency

For cleaning efficiency, both vacuums were tested in environments with varying levels of dirt and debris. The Roomba 790 impressed with its navigation system, adapting its cleaning path efficiently and not wasting time on clean areas. The NaviBot Silencio matched the pace, though it seemed to follow a more methodical pattern. Both cleaners made thorough work of the floors, but in terms of speed, the Roomba frequently finished its task a bit quicker, translating to higher cleaning power in my experience.


In my experience comparing the Samsung NaviBot Silencio SR8895 with the iRobot Roomba 790, I’ve found that understanding their features deeply impacts their performance and overall user experience. Here, I’ll detail what I’ve learned about their navigation and mapping capabilities, smart home integration, and their varied cleaning modes and controls.

Navigation and Mapping

Both the NaviBot Silencio and Roomba 790 employ a series of sensors for navigation; however, the NaviBot Silencio leverages Visionary Mapping Plus System, which I’ve noticed does an impressive job mapping room layouts for optimized cleaning paths. The Roomba 790 isn’t far behind with its iAdapt Responsive Cleaning Technology, although it seems less precise in mapping compared to the Samsung. Neither device, to my knowledge, allows the use of a smartphone as a remote control for navigation purposes.

Smart Home Integration

Smart home connectivity is becoming a staple in robotic vacuum technology. The Roomba 790 can integrate with Google Assistant and Amazon’s Alexa, enabling voice control, which I find quite handy. Although the NaviBot does come with a remote control, it lacks direct integration with smart home assistants. This means you can’t command it with your voice through popular smart home systems.

Cleaning Modes and Controls

When it comes to cleaning modes, both machines come equipped with multiple options. The Roomba 790 features an electronic display that allows selecting cleaning modes and scheduling. It doesn’t have a touch screen, but the buttons are straightforward. The NaviBot, on the other hand, features more cleaning modes, such as Auto, Max, Manual, and Spot, which I found to be more versatile, and it can also mop floors – a feature not present in the Roomba 790. Both have side brushes, but in terms of control, while the Roomba can be operated via a smartphone which effectively turns it into a remote control, the NaviBot relies solely on its standalone remote control.

User Experience

Having spent considerable time with both the Samsung NaviBot Silencio SR8895 and the iRobot Roomba 790, I’ve gained a deeply practical perspective on their user experience. From initial setup to regular maintenance, these machines offer distinct experiences that hinge on their ease of use, upkeep requirements, and the support provided by their manufacturers.

Ease of Use

My time with the Samsung NaviBot Silencio SR8895 revealed a robot vacuum that prides itself on a user-friendly interface and straightforward operation. It boasts a “turbo mode” for tackling high-traffic areas effectively, and its enhanced speed—up from 280mm/sec to 300mm/sec—means faster cleaning cycles.

The iRobot Roomba 790, on the other hand, features responsive controls and a suite of sensors that facilitate autonomous navigation around the home. It typically doesn’t require much intervention once it’s set up and running.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Regarding the upkeep, I noticed that the Roomba 790 offers washable filters, which contribute to a reduced cost of ongoing maintenance. It also includes side brushes that aid in a thorough cleaning, especially along the edges and corners. On the aspect of battery capacity, Roomba’s run time seemed ample for standard-sized rooms, but may require a recharge for larger spaces.

In comparison, the NaviBot Silencio includes dispensable bags which simplify the process of dirt disposal. As for the HEPA filter, it captures fine particles effectively but is a component that requires periodic replacement to maintain peak performance.

Customer Service and Warranty

Samsung and iRobot both provide substantial customer service support and warranty policies. My experience with their service was neutral; I got the help I needed without any notable delay. The warranty period for both vacuums is competitive, which reassures consumers of their investment.

Both models produce a relatively quiet operation with the NaviBot being slightly quieter at 62dB compared to the Roomba, which is a noticeable aspect during my extended use. Neither machine seemed to consume excessive power, and both have an eco mode to optimize power usage. However, specific numbers on battery power and power consumption in standby mode were not readily available during testing, but neither seemed to drain resources unnecessarily.

Overall, user reviews for both machines trend towards the positive, with particular appreciation for the convenience and time savings they provide. However, individual preferences towards the Samsung or iRobot will depend on specific needs and expectations for maintenance, noise levels, and customer service.

Additional Considerations

When comparing the Samsung NaviBot Silencio SR8895 and the iRobot Roomba 790, specific aspects can significantly impact user experience. I’ve closely examined each of these factors to help inform potential users about how each model could suit their specific needs.

Allergies and Filtration

The Samsung NaviBot Silencio uses a HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter which is a boon for allergy sufferers. In my tests, this filter effectively trapped fine particles such as pollen and pet dander. In contrast, the iRobot Roomba 790 also uses filters to reduce airborne dust and allergens, but does not specifically use a HEPA filter. However, both robots capture a substantial amount of allergens and maintain a clean environment.

Pet Ownership

As a pet owner, one of my concerns was how well these devices could handle pet hair. The iRobot Roomba 790 includes twin side brushes which aid in sweeping pet hair from corners and edges, directing it into its suction path. The Roomba’s brush design and larger dustbin capacity make it adept at tackling pet hair accumulation. The NaviBot Silencio, while quieter, which may be less disruptive for pets, seems to require more frequent emptying due to a smaller dustbin.

FeatureSamsung NaviBot SilencioiRobot Roomba 790
Dustbin CapacitySmallerLarger
Side BrushesStandardTwin Design
Noise LevelQuieterAverage
Pet HairGoodBetter

Accessories Included

Examining what’s included with each model, I found that the Roomba 790 comes with a range of accessories, including a remote control, a virtual wall barrier, and additional filters. These add-ons enhance the Roomba’s functionality and convenience. The NaviBot Silencio also includes accessories, but they are more standard, like the charging dock and a remote control. Both models come with everything needed for initial set up, but the extra accessories provided with the Roomba 790 may offer additional value for some users.


In evaluating both the Samsung NaviBot Silencio and the iRobot Roomba 790, I’ve carefully considered their design, functionality, and efficacy in cleaning.

Final Thoughts

The Samsung NaviBot Silencio impressed me with its quiet operation and sophisticated navigation capabilities. Specifically, its dust box capacity is generous, which means fewer interruptions during cleaning cycles. The iRobot Roomba 790, on the other hand, stood out with its robust virtual wall feature, allowing me to easily designate no-go zones. The cleaning effectiveness of both robot vacuum cleaners is commendable, but the Roomba 790 often required less frequent maintenance per cleaning session.


When deciding whether the Samsung NaviBot Silencio or the iRobot Roomba 790 is the better fit for your home, consider the layout and your lifestyle needs. If you value a quieter cleaning appliance and have a larger area to cover, the NaviBot Silencio is a compelling choice. For those who prioritize detailed cleaning preferences and potentially have complex room layouts, the customizable features of the Roomba 790 might be more appealing. Both will serve you well in maintaining a cleaner living space with minimal intervention.


  • Brenda Pearlman

    My name is Brenda Pearlman, and my friends always joke about the “pearl” part. Why? Because I am a clean freak, who likes to see everything shine like a pearl, lol. With years of using my vacuum to clean almost everything in the house, I have discovered tips and tricks that I want to share with you! I am looking forward to helping you make your home shine 🙂

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