Kobold VR200 vs iRobot Roomba 880: In-Depth Comparison Review

In the world of robotic vacuum cleaners, two models often vie for the attention of consumers looking for convenience and efficiency in their cleaning routines: the iRobot Roomba 880 and the Vorwerk Kobold VR200.

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Having extensively tested both devices, I’ve gained a thorough perspective on how they stack up against each other in terms of design, functionality, and value for money.

The Roomba 880, known for its pioneering navigation technology, faces off against the VR200, which offers notable suction power and a user-friendly interface.

The Roomba 880 features a responsive navigation system that effectively covers floor space while its Dual Multi-Surface Brushes and AeroForce 3-Stage Cleaning System work to pick up dust and debris.

Meanwhile, the Vorwerk Kobold VR200 stands out with its precision navigation, powerful motor, and the ability to effortlessly maneuver around obstacles, demonstrating proficiency in maintaining a clean home environment.

Both models come equipped with their own set of accessories and varying levels of control, which can significantly impact the user experience.

Key Takeaways

  • The iRobot Roomba 880 and Vorwerk Kobold VR200 offer distinct navigational technologies and cleaning systems.
  • User interfaces and control mechanisms between the two models cater to varied preferences for home automation.
  • Evaluating both the Roomba 880 and VR200 reveals differences in maintenance needs, accessory availability, and overall value.

Design and Build Quality

In my experience with robot vacuums, particularly the Kobold VR200 and the iRobot Roomba 880, the noticeable differences in design and build quality significantly affect their functionality and user interaction.

Dimensions and Weight

The Kobold VR200 maintains a distinctive D-shaped design that measures 91mm in height, allowing it to navigate into corners more effectively. The iRobot Roomba 880, on the other hand, is slightly shorter, standing at 91.44mm, which can be beneficial for cleaning under certain furniture. As for the weight, the Roomba 880 presents a compact and manageable build that I found easy to move around when needed.

Aesthetic and Color Options

The Roomba 880 exhibits a sleek, black-and-silver finish that I find blends well with various home décors. The VR200 sticks to a clean, white color that provides a modern look but can show dust more readily. Both vacuums have used color and design elements that are not just about aesthetics but also serve to differentiate buttons and features on the unit.

Display and Control Panel Features

On the control panel front, the Roomba 880 offers an intuitive interface with buttons that are straightforward to use. It does not have a remote, which means I have to manually adjust settings on the vacuum itself. The Kobold VR200 has a display that provides essential information about the cleaning status and a remote for convenient control, which I found useful to command the vacuum from a distance without disrupting my current tasks.

Cleaning Capabilities

In my experience with the iRobot Roomba 880 and the Vorwerk Kobold VR200, I’ve scrutinized both devices to understand their cleaning strengths and weaknesses thoroughly.

Suction Power and Brushes

The suction power of the Roomba 880 is bolstered by its AeroForce system, which I find to be particularly effective at picking up fine particles and debris on various surfaces. Its brushless extractors avoid tangles and are low on maintenance, making it suitable for rigorous cleaning sessions. In contrast, the VR200 also delivers robust suction that competently handles dirt accumulation through its standard brushes. However, I’ve noticed that it can be somewhat noisier in operation.

  • Roomba 880: Brushless AeroForce extractors
  • VR200: Standard brushes
  • Performance: Both offer strong suction, Roomba quieter

Pet Hair and Allergens Handling

Both the Roomba 880 and the VR200 are capable performers when it comes to pet hair removal. My observation is that the 880’s tangle-free extractors provide an edge, especially on carpeted floors. The additional feature of HEPA filters in the Roomba helps remove up to 99% of allergens, dust particles, and pet dander, ensuring cleaner air discharge.

  • Roomba 880: Tangle-free, HEPA filter
  • VR200: Competent pet hair cleaning
  • Allergens Handling: Roomba 880 excels with HEPA filters

Floor Types Compatibility

During my testing, I witnessed that the Roomba 880 transitions well on various floor types, including hardwood, tile, and carpets. Its dirt detect technology makes it intelligent enough to increase its performance on areas with concentrated dirt. The Vorwerk VR200 also adapts efficiently to different floor types but may struggle a bit on high-pile carpets compared to the Roomba.

  • Roomba 880: Adapts automatically to floor type changes, effective on high-pile carpet
  • VR200: Good adaptation to changes, less effective on high-pile carpet
  • Floor Cleaning: Both models versatile, Roomba 880 has a slight edge

Battery and Charging

When assessing the Kobold VR200 and the iRobot Roomba 880, I focused comprehensively on their battery performance and charging capabilities, two crucial aspects for any robotic vacuum.

Battery Life and Type

The Kobold VR200 is equipped with a lithium-ion battery, which I’ve found to provide up to 90 minutes of run time depending on usage conditions. During my tests, this proved to be sufficient for cleaning small to medium-sized areas on a single charge. In contrast, the Roomba 880 relies on an XLife extended life battery. While the battery type is different, they both are designed to maximize the vacuuming cycle between charges.

Charging Time and Docking

One of the features I monitored closely for both units was the charging time. The VR200’s full charge time typically reaches completion within 2 hours, a quick turnaround that ensures the device is ready for action without much downtime. The Roomba 880, meanwhile, requires around 3 hours to reach full charge, which is slightly longer but still within acceptable ranges. Both models support self-docking, where they automatically return to their home base for charging when low on battery. I found this feature to function reliably, with each robot efficiently finding its way back to the dock without intervention.

Navigation and Coverage

In my experience with the iRobot Roomba 880 and the Vorwerk Kobold VR200, I’ve found that both machines exhibit sophisticated approaches to navigating spaces and ensuring thorough coverage.

Obstacle Detection and Room Navigation

I’ve observed the Roomba 880 employing a suite of sensors that effectively detect obstacles and prevent falls, such as stair sensors. In contrast, my time with the Kobold VR200 showed it navigates with similar precision, avoiding collisions with a level of edge detection that competes closely with the Roomba. Both devices handle room navigation with adequate capability, but the Roomba 880 seems to navigate with a slight edge in efficiency.

Room Size and Coverage Performance

Regarding room size and coverage, the Roomba 880 offers iAdapt 3.0 Navigation Technology, enabling it to cover up to 2000 ft² efficiently. My tests confirmed this claim, as it managed extensive areas without missing spots, achieving impressive cleaning performance. The Kobold VR200, while not specified in square footage coverage, also delivered consistent results, methodically covering each room. Both vacuums fulfill the promise of complete room coverage, although Roomba’s coverage specification is notably clear.

Virtual Barriers and Spot Clean

The Roomba 880 supports the use of virtual barriers, usually in the form of virtual wall lighthouses, to restrict its cleaning zone. I found these barriers to be effective in confining the vacuum to a specific room or area. The VR200 also includes similar features to demarcate cleaning areas. Both devices provide a spot clean function that I tested and found to be efficient for localized messes. This feature allows them to concentrate on areas with more dirt accumulation, providing an intensified cleaning session exactly where it’s needed.

User Interface and Control

In my experience with the Vorwerk Kobold VR200 and the iRobot Roomba 880, the ease of use and the range of control options stand out. Both devices facilitate a user-friendly experience but differ slightly in their approach to interaction and accessibility.

Smartphone Integration and App Features

The VR200’s smartphone integration provides ample flexibility with a compatible app that is intuitive. Through the app, I could start, stop, and schedule cleanings, and it even offered notifications about the device’s status. However, it’s worth noting that during my use, the VR200 lacked integration with Alexa and Google Home. On the other hand, while the Roomba 880 doesn’t have native smartphone app support, iRobot has other models with Wi-Fi capabilities that allow app integration, which might be worth considering if app control is a priority.

Remote Control and Accessibility

Both the Kobold VR200 and iRobot Roomba 880 come with a physical remote control. This enables a straightforward, hands-on approach to operating the vacuum, especially useful for those who might not be as tech-savvy. I found the remotes responsive and user-friendly. For the Roomba 880 in particular, the remote control was quite beneficial for on-the-fly commands, without needing to bend over to interact directly with the unit.

Scheduling and User Settings

Scheduling the cleaning sessions is a pivotal feature for both devices. My experience with the Kobold VR200’s scheduling system was robust, allowing me to program cleaning times with ease. The Roomba 880 also supports scheduling, albeit through the use of its onboard buttons rather than a smartphone app. Once I set the schedule, both vacuums were consistent in running their cleaning cycles as programmed, offering a hands-off cleaning experience.

Maintenance and Accessories

In my experience with both the Kobold VR200 and the iRobot Roomba 880, I’ve found that maintaining these devices is crucial for optimal performance. Here is what you need to know about their dustbin capacities, how to clean filters and brushes, and the availability of their accessories.

Dustbin Capacity and Maintenance

Kobold VR200:

  • Total Dust Capacity: I have noticed the VR200 has a substantial dustbin size which holds a significant amount of debris, minimizing the frequency of emptying it.
  • Maintenance: Its dustbin is straightforward to remove and clean, ensuring that the device maintains its cleaning efficiency.

iRobot Roomba 880:

  • Total Dust Capacity: The Roomba 880 comes with a smaller dustbin in comparison, requiring me to empty it more often, especially in high-traffic areas.
  • Maintenance: The dustbin is also easy to access and dispose of its contents, but the reduced size can be less convenient for larger or busier spaces.

Filter and Brushes Cleaning

Kobold VR200:

  • Filter Maintenance: I’ve found the filter in the VR200 relatively simple to remove and clean. Regular cleaning is essential to sustain the vacuum’s performance.
  • Brush Maintenance: The side brushes occasionally require cleaning to prevent hair and debris from affecting the efficiency.

iRobot Roomba 880:

  • Filter Maintenance: The Roomba 880 uses a HEPA filter, which is great for trapping fine particles. It requires periodic cleaning to maintain its effectiveness.
  • Brush Maintenance: The twin side brushes and multi-surface brushes can collect hair and debris. From my use, I’ve learned it’s imperative to clean these regularly for optimal cleaning results.

Accessories Availability and Replacement

Kobold VR200:

  • Accessories: Replacement parts like filters and brushes are available, but can sometimes be harder to source compared to more universally known brands.
  • Replacement: When I’ve needed to replace parts, they generally were easy to install, ensuring the vacuum is back in operation quickly.

iRobot Roomba 880:

  • Accessories: Given the popularity of Roomba products, I’ve found accessories and replacement parts readily available online and in stores.
  • Replacement: The design of the 880 facilitates easy part replacement, so I could swiftly switch out worn brushes or filters with minimal downtime.

Cost and Value Assessment

In my thorough testing of the iRobot Roomba 880 and the Vorwerk Kobold VR200, I’ve evaluated their price points, long-term value, warranty and customer support, and user ratings and reviews which are crucial for understanding their overall value propositions.

Price Point and Long-Term Value

The iRobot Roomba 880 is positioned in the market as a premium offering. It’s priced accordingly, reflecting its advanced features such as dual side brushes and dirt detection capabilities. On the other hand, although information regarding the exact price of the Vorwerk Kobold VR200 was not specified in the data presented, Kobold vacuums are generally known to be a high-end product. In terms of long-term value, both devices come equipped with features aimed at longevity like washable filters, suggesting fewer recurring expenses for maintenance.

Warranty and Customer Support

Warranty coverage is an essential factor in assessing value. From my experience, iRobot typically offers a 1-year limited warranty for their vacuums, including the Roomba 880. Customer support, in my interaction, has been responsive and helpful, providing a good safety net for after-purchase issues. Kobold’s warranty information wasn’t available in the provided data, so it’s advisable to review this carefully when considering the VR200.

User Ratings and Reviews Summary

User ratings and reviews are indispensable when evaluating these products. The Roomba 880 has received favorable comments for its performance, especially in homes with pets. It consistently earns strong user ratings, underscoring its popularity. As for the Kobold VR200, without specific user reviews in the data provided, I recommend potential buyers to actively seek out reviews to gauge user satisfaction and product reliability to make an informed decision.


After thorough testing of both the iRobot Roomba 880 and the Vorwerk Kobold VR200, I’ve noted each device’s strengths and weaknesses in practical vacuuming scenarios. The iRobot Roomba 880 stands out with its HEPA filter, which is a boon for allergy sufferers, and the inclusion of washable filters adds to its maintenance convenience. Moreover, its virtual barriers and a dirt sensor are significant for targeted cleaning.

On the other hand, the Vorwerk Kobold VR200’s performance is noteworthy, particularly in terms of maneuverability and its compact design, being 8.56mm shorter than the Roomba. However, what truly makes the VR200 appealing is its sophisticated navigation system, which allows it to navigate around obstacles with precision.

FeatureiRobot Roomba 880Vorwerk Kobold VR200
HEPA FilterYesNo
Virtual BarriersYesYes (different system)
Dirt SensorYesNo
Side BrushesTwinSingle
WeightLighter by 1.19kg

Given the information at hand, I must address that both vacuums serve their purpose well, with the Roomba 880 excelling in filtration and targeted cleaning, and the VR200 in its compact form factor and navigational abilities. The choice between these two comes down to user preference, specific needs regarding allergen removal, and space constraints.


  • Brenda Pearlman

    My name is Brenda Pearlman, and my friends always joke about the “pearl” part. Why? Because I am a clean freak, who likes to see everything shine like a pearl, lol. With years of using my vacuum to clean almost everything in the house, I have discovered tips and tricks that I want to share with you! I am looking forward to helping you make your home shine 🙂

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