Hoover Quest 700 vs iRobot 650: In-Depth Robotic Vacuum Comparison

In the realm of robotic vacuum cleaners, two models have established themselves as notable options for consumers seeking to automate their home cleaning: the Hoover Quest 700 and the iRobot Roomba 650.

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As someone with extensive experience using both devices, I can share insights into their performance and features.

The Hoover Quest series, including the 700 model, is designed to offer budget-friendly solutions while the iRobot Roomba 650 is from a well-established line known for its robustness and smart navigation abilities.

Having put these vacuum robots to the test, I can highlight some of the key differences that may influence your purchasing decision.

For instance, the Hoover Quest 700 features a low profile that allows it to maneuver under most furniture with ease, while the Roomba 650 boasts of a patented navigation system that ensures thorough room coverage.

Key factors such as design, cleaning efficiency, battery life, and the sophistication of their navigation technologies are all aspects that vary between the two models and contribute significantly to the user experience.

Key Takeaways

  • The Hoover Quest 700 caters to budget-conscious customers, while the iRobot Roomba 650 is designed for more comprehensive cleaning needs.
  • My usage shows that the Roomba 650 has an advanced navigation system, whereas the Hoover Quest 700 is praised for its ability to clean under furniture.
  • Battery performance, user interface, and overall value differ between the two, impacting the overall cleaning efficacy and convenience.

Overview of Hoover Quest 700 and iRobot Roomba 650

In my experience with robot vacuums, both the Hoover Quest 700 and iRobot Roomba 650 stand out for their respective capabilities in the world of robotic vacuums. As for the Hoover Quest 700, it’s a model that offers various pricing options and comes equipped with the basics required for automated cleaning.

  • Price: The Quest 700 is accessible, often found below the premium robot vacuum price point.
  • Cleaning Modes: It features multiple cleaning modes suitable for different floor types.
  • Battery Life: Decent battery life sufficient for small to medium-sized areas.

When it comes to the iRobot Roomba 650, it’s been a reliable choice in the market for some time. It’s an older model, but it still retains popularity due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

  • Navigation: It employs a responsive navigation system that adapts to the layout of your home.
  • Scheduling: One of its strongest suits is the ability to schedule cleanings.
  • Dirt Detection: The Roomba 650 has a patented dirt detection technology that works well on carpets and hard floors alike.

The Roomba 650’s strength lies in its wi-fi connectivity and strong following for its mobile app, which is intuitive and user-friendly. On the other hand, the Hoover Quest 700 doesn’t boast as robust a Wi-Fi connection but compensates with a variety of price points for budget-conscious consumers. Both vacuums constitute effective solutions for maintaining cleanliness in your home, and they cater to different preferences and budgets.

Design and Physical Features

In my thorough examination of both the Hoover Quest 700 and the iRobot Roomba 650, I noted design aspects and physical attributes that are vital for potential users to consider. Both models are designed with home environments in mind, specifically to navigate and clean hardwood floors and other surfaces with ease.

Dimensions and Weight

Hoover Quest 700:

  • Weight: Approximately 5.9 lbs
  • Dimensions: The unit presents a circular design with a diameter of around 12.6 inches and a height of roughly 2.9 inches, allowing it to glide under furniture with low clearance.

iRobot Roomba 650:

  • Weight: It weighs in at roughly 7.9 lbs, slightly heavier than the Quest 700.
  • Dimensions: The Roomba 650 also features a circular design. It measures approximately 13.4 inches in diameter and stands 3.6 inches tall, providing the robustness needed for routine cleaning.

The weight and dimensions of these robot vacuums are essential in evaluating how they will fit into your home space, especially when considering storage or the robot’s ability to navigate under various pieces of furniture.

Included Accessories

Hoover Quest 700: The Quest 700 comes with a docking station for charging, and in my experience, the unit returns to it without difficulty when the battery runs low. Additional side brushes and filters are typically included to ensure maintenance is straightforward.

iRobot Roomba 650: Upon unboxing the Roomba 650, I found a charging dock, an extra filter, a cleaning tool, and a Virtual Wall device. The Virtual Wall is particularly useful as it allows you to block off certain areas or rooms, controlling the Roomba’s cleaning path effectively.

Both models come with the accessories needed for maintenance and operation. The inclusion of such accessories helps prolong the life and optimize the performance of the vacuums on various floor types, including hardwood floors.

Cleaning Capabilities

In my experience, the cleaning performance of a robot vacuum is crucial for a hassle-free cleaning routine. Let’s take a closer look at how the Hoover Quest 700 and the iRobot Roomba 650 handle different aspects of cleaning.

Suction Power

Hoover Quest 700: The suction on the Hoover Quest 700 is adequate for routine maintenance of floors, effective enough to pick up light debris and dust. iRobot Roomba 650: In contrast, the iRobot 650 delivers stronger suction power, which is more noticeable on carpets where it can extract dirt embedded deeper within the fibers.

Brush System

Hoover Quest 700:

  • Single main brush designed to agitate dirt on floors and carpets.

iRobot Roomba 650:

  • Dual multi-surface brushes work together to grab dirt, dust, and larger debris, ensuring a thorough clean.

Dirt Handling and Dustbin

Hoover Quest 700: My findings show that its dustbin has an average capacity but may require frequent emptying in high-traffic areas. iRobot Roomba 650: The Roomba 650 has a slightly larger bin that can hold more debris, thereby reducing the frequency of emptying it between cleaning sessions.

Pet Hair Removal

Hoover Quest 700: This robot vacuum can handle pet hair on hard floors, but it struggles more with pet hair embedded in carpets. iRobot Roomba 650: It excels in pet hair pickup on a variety of surfaces, making it a preferable choice for pet owners.

Specific Floor Types

Hoover Quest 700:

  • Performs well on hard floors.
  • Less effective on thick carpets or rugs.

iRobot Roomba 650:

  • Adaptive cleaning on both hard floors and carpets.
  • Shows superior performance on most floor types, including transition from one to another.

Battery and Power Management

In my extensive experience with both the Hoover Quest 700 and the iRobot Roomba 650, I’ve found their battery performance and power management to be crucial for optimal operation.

Battery Life

During my tests, the iRobot Roomba 650 utilizes a Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) battery, whereas the Hoover Quest 700 is equipped with a Lithium-ion battery. The lithium-ion battery in the Hoover Quest 700 typically offers a longer runtime per charge compared to the Roomba 650. The Hoover could run up to 120 minutes on a single charge. In contrast, the Roomba 650, on a full charge, generally provides up to 60 minutes of cleaning time.

Charging Dock Usage

The charging docks for both vacuum robots play a pivotal role. My observations have revealed that the Roomba 650 returns to its dock when the battery is low or after completing a cleaning cycle, though sometimes it requires manual intervention if it doesn’t dock correctly. The Hoover Quest 700 similarly navigates back to its charging station but boasts a slightly more efficient docking due to its advanced battery management system. Both devices take a considerable amount of time to recharge fully; the Roomba 650 may take up to 3 hours, while the Hoover Quest 700 often requires less, due to its efficient lithium-ion battery.

Navigation and Mapping Technology

In my extensive experience with both the Hoover Quest 700 and the iRobot Roomba 650, I’ve observed that their approaches to navigation and mapping significantly influence their cleaning efficiency and effectiveness.

Navigation System

The Hoover Quest 700 employs a basic navigation system that allows users to control the direction of the vacuum through a mobile app, providing a hands-on approach to guiding the robot through its cleaning journey. This interactivity can be both a boon and a bane; while it offers control, it lacks the sophistication of autonomous navigation.

On the other hand, the iRobot Roomba 650 relies on a more advanced system known as iAdapt Navigation. Utilizing an array of sensors, the Roomba 650 moves autonomously throughout the home, adjusting its path to cover the floor space efficiently. Although it might not map the environment in high detail, its algorithms ensure it rarely misses a spot.

  • Comparative Table: Feature Hoover Quest 700 iRobot Roomba 650 Navigation Control Manual via App Autonomous iAdapt Mapping Capability Basic Advanced, Sensor-Based User Interaction High Low

Obstacle and Cliff Detection

Both robots are equipped with sensors that help them detect obstacles and avoid falls. My testing revealed that the cliff sensors are particularly effective in both models, preventing tumbles down stairs or drops from ledges. This is crucial for multi-level homes where such features could be a potential hazard.

For obstacle detection, the Roomba 650 generally navigates around furniture and other items on the floor without much issue. It might occasionally bump into objects but typically redirects itself without intervention. The Hoover Quest 700, while also capable of detecting obstacles, seems to require more user participation to navigate complex environments effectively. Understanding the layout and placing the vacuum accordingly can mitigate potential navigation issues.

In summary, each vacuum’s navigation and mapping technology caters to different user preferences—manual control for the Hoover Quest 700 versus autonomous navigation in the iRobot Roomba 650.

Smart Features and Connectivity

When examining the smart capabilities of the Hoover Quest 700 and the iRobot Roomba 650, it’s clear that these devices cater to the modern need for convenience and automation in home cleaning. Let me share insights into their Wi-Fi functionality, remote control options, and scheduling and automation features based on my thorough examination.

Wi-Fi Functionality

The iRobot Roomba 650, despite being a competent cleaner, does not equip itself with Wi-Fi connectivity. On the other hand, the Hoover Quest 700 does support Wi-Fi connectivity, which allows it to be controlled via a smartphone app. The absence of Wi-Fi on the Roomba 650 means you cannot start or monitor the device remotely through your home network, which is a feature I find quite handy on the Quest 700.

Remote Control Options

With the Hoover Quest 700, the inclusion of Wi-Fi translates to the ability to control the vacuum remotely. The smartphone app is intuitive, offering basic controls and monitoring of the cleaning progress. The Roomba 650 lacks native Wi-Fi but comes with a separate physical remote control, allowing for manual operation without having to physically interact with the unit. From my use, while the remote is straightforward, it’s not as convenient as using a smartphone app.

Scheduling and Automation

Both the Hoover Quest 700 and the iRobot Roomba 650 provide scheduling features, although they are implemented differently due to the connectivity options. The Roomba 650 allows for daily scheduling directly on the device, which I found to be a simple process even without an app. In contrast, with its Wi-Fi feature, the Quest 700 offers the flexibility to schedule cleaning cycles through the app. Neither device, however, sports Bluetooth connectivity or virtual walls, which are often found in more advanced models for finer control over cleaning areas.

Safety and Maintenance

When evaluating the Hoover Quest 700 and the iRobot Roomba 650, I paid close attention to their safety features and maintenance requirements, as these factors are crucial for long-term satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Virtual Barriers and Safety

Hoover Quest 700:
The Quest 700 uses an invisible virtual barrier technology which I found to be effective at preventing the robot from entering specific areas. These barriers are simple to set up and act as a digital fence to ensure the vacuum operates within the confines you desire.

iRobot Roomba 650:
On the other hand, the Roomba 650 employs the Virtual Wall accessory. Through my tests, it is clear that this device easily creates a boundary for the Roomba, ensuring it cleans only where you need it to. The Virtual Wall emits an infrared beam which the Roomba detects and avoids, keeping it away from off-limits areas.

Cleaning System Maintenance

Hoover Quest 700:
Maintenance of the Quest 700’s cleaning system is quite straightforward. Regularly I would remove the dustbin and filter—both are washable, which makes upkeep simpler. However, hair and fibers tend to wrap around the brushes, necessitating occasional manual cleaning to maintain optimal performance.

iRobot Roomba 650: The Roomba 650 requires frequent maintenance to keep the cleaning system in top shape. Emptying the bin after each use is necessary, and I found that while the filter isn’t washable, replacing it regularly helps maintain suction power. Similar to the Quest 700, hair accumulation around the brushes is common, and periodic cleaning there is also needed.

Pricing and Value

In comparing the Hoover Quest 700 and iRobot Roomba 650, I found that each robot vacuum offers distinct advantages when it comes to pricing and value. I’ve taken a thorough look to assess how each model stacks up in terms of budget-friendliness and the support offered post-purchase.

Budget Considerations

When it comes to budget, the Hoover Quest 700 typically comes in at a lower price point compared to the iRobot Roomba 650. I observed that the lowered cost did not significantly compromise the Quest 700’s essential functions, such as its ability to clean under low-clearance furniture due to its lower height. However, the Roomba 650, even as an older model, maintained a slightly higher cost but offered reliable cleaning performance which some might consider justifying the extra expense.

Prices (as observed):

  • Hoover Quest 700: Generally less expensive
  • iRobot Roomba 650: Slightly higher-priced, often found at a discount

Warranty and Support

Regarding support, both iRobot and Hoover offer warranties for their robot vacuums, which is imperative for these technological home appliances. The standard warranty provided by iRobot for the Roomba 650 is a 1-year manufacturer’s warranty, which I found to be quite standard across robot vacuums. The Hoover Quest 700 typically matches this with its own 1-year warranty. I always advise checking the specific terms and conditions for clarity on what’s covered.

Warranty Details:

  • iRobot Roomba 650: 1-year manufacturer’s warranty
  • Hoover Quest 700: 1-year warranty

My experience suggests that customer service experiences can differ, and I recommend potential buyers to consider both the warranty length and the reputation of the manufacturer’s support.

User Reviews and Brand Reputation

In examining the Hoover Quest 700 and the iRobot Roomba 650, I’ve taken a close look at user feedback and the reputation of both brands to provide a well-rounded comparison.

Consumer Feedback

During my evaluation, I noted the Hoover Quest 700 receives mixed reviews. Specifically, one consistent point from user reviews highlighted a tendency for this model to get stuck on obstacles, suggesting a potential limitation in its navigational abilities. Users have expressed dissatisfaction with having to rescue the device frequently, which undermines the convenience of having an automatic vacuum.

On the other hand, the iRobot Roomba 650 has garnered acclaim for its durability and overall cleaning performance. From first-hand experience, I can confirm that it requires less babysitting than the Hoover, and it efficiently manages to clean various types of dirt and debris. Users often cite its ease of use and reliable performance, consolidating its standing in the market.

Comparison of Brands

When comparing the brands themselves, iRobot emerges with a stronger reputation for producing robust and user-friendly robot vacuums. My experience echoes consumer sentiment; their models, including the Roomba 650, usually offer a harmonious balance of innovative features and straightforward maintenance, leading to higher overall satisfaction.

Hoover, while a reputable name in traditional vacuum cleaners, seems to have a narrower reach in the robot vacuum market. Although the Quest 700 shows promise, it might not match the user-centric engineering that iRobot has fine-tuned over the years. The customer reviews reflect that, with more concerns about the Hoover’s functionality cropping up in contrast to the praise often directed toward iRobot’s offerings.

Additional Considerations

Choosing between the Hoover Quest 700 and the iRobot 650 is not just about their cleaning capabilities. It’s important for buyers to also weigh the post-purchase support like return policy and the long-term availability of replacement parts.

Return Policy and Guarantees

Hoover Quest 700: I found that the manufacturer often provides a standard return policy, which usually allows consumers to return the product within a certain number of days if they are not satisfied. This can be particularly beneficial for pet owners who may not find the device as effective as expected in dealing with pet hair.

iRobot Roomba 650: While testing the Roomba 650, I noted that iRobot also typically offers a standard guarantee period and a return policy, providing peace of mind for customers who are uncertain about how the device will perform in their home.

Replacement Parts and Repair

Hoover Quest 700:

  • Replaceable Parts: Availability of replaceable parts such as filters and brushes is good, ensuring that with proper maintenance, the vacuum keeps performing optimally.
  • Repair: In case of malfunction, after the warranty period is over, finding repair services can be relatively straightforward, though sometimes it might take a while depending on the complexity of the issue.

iRobot Roomba 650:

  • Replaceable Parts: The Roomba 650 also offers easily replaceable parts. Their widespread availability means that as a user, I did not have to worry about the vacuum becoming obsolete due to a lack of maintenance components.
  • Repair: iRobot provides comprehensive repair services. However, I would advise pet owners to regularly clean their devices since pet hair can contribute to mechanical wear over time.


In my rigorous testing of the Hoover Quest 700 and the iRobot Roomba 650, I’ve identified several key distinctions. The Roomba 650 is a solid contender with reliable performance and excellent Wi-Fi connectivity. Its mobile app is intuitive, making it a user-friendly choice for those looking to manage their vacuum remotely.

The Hoover Quest 700, on the other hand, brings affordability into the picture with a range of prices to suit different budgets. However, this comes with a trade-off in terms of Wi-Fi support and overall sophistication of technology.

Battery Performance:

  • Hoover Quest 700: Adequate for smaller homes or apartments.
  • iRobot Roomba 650: Provides a longer cleaning cycle on a single charge, making it better suited for larger spaces.

Noise Levels:

  • The Hoover Quest 700 operates at a quieter level (60dB) compared to the Roomba 650 (70dB), which might be beneficial in households where noise is a concern.

Ease of Use:

  • From my experience, the Roomba 650’s app gives it an edge in usability.

In conclusion, for those seeking advanced features and connectivity, the Roomba 650 is a reliable option. For cost-conscious consumers who prioritize a quieter operation and are willing to overlook some advanced features, the Hoover Quest 700 is worth considering. My tests show that both have their merits, depending on individual needs and preferences.


  • Brenda Pearlman

    My name is Brenda Pearlman, and my friends always joke about the “pearl” part. Why? Because I am a clean freak, who likes to see everything shine like a pearl, lol. With years of using my vacuum to clean almost everything in the house, I have discovered tips and tricks that I want to share with you! I am looking forward to helping you make your home shine 🙂

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