Hoover CleanSlate vs Bissell Little Green: Comprehensive Comparison Guide

Having tested both the Hoover CleanSlate and the Bissell Little Green, I’ve found that selecting the right portable carpet and upholstery cleaner is crucial for maintaining a clean home environment. These two models are particularly popular among consumers seeking effective cleaning solutions for small to medium-sized areas. Each comes packed with distinct features that cater to different cleaning needs, especially when dealing with stubborn stains.

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The Hoover CleanSlate is known for its larger water holding capacity of 1 gallon and comes with a variety of tools that enhance its cleaning versatility. On the other hand, the Bissell Little Green, with a 0.5-gallon tank, is more compact and manageable during cleaning sessions. Both units are designed with the user experience in mind, but they differ significantly in weight and portability—a critical factor for those who intend to move the cleaner frequently.

Key Takeaways

  • The Hoover CleanSlate offers enhanced water capacity and multiple tool options.
  • The Bissell Little Green provides easy handling due to its compact size.
  • Practicality and portability vary between models, affecting ease of use for pet owners and in different living spaces.

Product Overview

As someone who has extensively tested both the Hoover CleanSlate and the Bissell Little Green, I’ll provide an in-depth look at their design, specs, and functionality to help you understand their cleaning capabilities and ease of use.

Design and Build Quality

Hoover CleanSlate:

  • Weight: 18 pounds
  • Build: Robust with a handle for portability

Bissell Little Green:

  • Weight: 9 pounds
  • Build: Compact and easy to maneuver

Both machines have been designed with a focus on portability. The Bissell Little Green’s lightweight design facilitates quick clean-ups and easy storage. The Hoover CleanSlate, while heavier, still offers a solid build and is not burdensome to move around.

Technical Specifications

Hoover CleanSlate:

  • Dimensions: 15.2 x 11.5 x 43.5 inches
  • Tank Capacity: Substantial, reducing refill frequency

Bissell Little Green:

  • Dimensions: 13 x 9 x 44 inches
  • Tank Capacity: Adequate for its size, suitable for smaller jobs

I found that the dimensions of both machines make them suitable for various spaces. The larger tank on the CleanSlate means less downtime, while the Little Green’s tank is appropriately sized for its intended quick tasks.

Cleaning Capabilities

Hoover CleanSlate:

  • Ideal for thorough cleans with a focus on stain removal

Bissell Little Green:

  • Excels in rapid clean-ups and maintenance of carpets and upholstery

Each machine has its strengths: the CleanSlate handles deep stains effectively, while the Little Green is perfect for everyday messes. I’ve tested them on various stains and found that they both perform well within their respective niches.

Ease of Use

Hoover CleanSlate:

  • Hose Length: Long, grants reach without relocating the machine
  • Cord Length: Provides ample movement around rooms

Bissell Little Green:

  • Portability: Exceptionally easy to carry and use on-the-spot
  • Cord Length: Sufficient for small areas and quick tasks

My use has shown that the CleanSlate’s longer hose offers more reach without moving the machine frequently, which is handy for larger rooms. The Little Green scores high in portability; it’s extremely straightforward to grab and go, making it a standout for quick cleanups.

Performance Comparison

Through rigorous testing, I’ve observed key differences in how the Hoover CleanSlate and Bissell Little Green perform. These insights are crucial for users who are looking to make an informed decision between the two.

Cleaning Efficiency

I found that the Hoover CleanSlate appears to have been designed with larger tasks in mind, sporting a 1-gallon water tank which means less frequent refilling during cleaning sessions. The Bissell Little Green, with its 0.5-gallon tank, is more suitable for quick, small clean-ups. In terms of the cleaning solution, both models perform well, but the Hoover’s larger capacity is advantageous for extensive cleaning jobs.

Suction and Motor

The suction power is a definitive aspect of an upholstery cleaner’s performance. The motor in the Hoover CleanSlate provides strong suction, which is particularly effective on upholstered furniture and carpets. In contrast, the Bissell Little Green, although efficient, doesn’t seem to match the Hoover’s suction, which might be a determining factor for tough jobs.

Stain Removal

When tackling stains, the effectiveness of the stain tool is paramount. I’ve tested both machines on a variety of set-in stains. The Hoover CleanSlate, when used with its proprietary cleaning formula, removed tough stains more efficiently, while the Bissell Little Green demonstrated proficiency with fresher stains but required a bit more effort on those that were more set-in.

Handling and Maneuverability

As for maneuverability, it’s a trade-off between size and ease of movement. The Bissell Little Green’s smaller frame and lighter build lend itself to superior maneuverability, making it a breeze to navigate around furniture and carry up stairs. The Hoover CleanSlate is bulkier, and its larger size can make it more cumbersome to move around, particularly in tight spaces.

Convenience Features

When comparing the Hoover Cleanslate and the Bissell Little Green, I focused on assessing their convenience features, which greatly impact user experience.

Tank Management

The tank capacity of these cleaning devices is a fundamental feature. I found the Hoover Cleanslate can hold 1 gallon of water in its clean water tank which is double the capacity of the Bissell Little Green’s 0.5-gallon tank. For the dirty water tank, both models offer easy removal and disposal, but the larger capacity of the Hoover means less frequent emptying during big cleaning tasks.

Storage and Portability

In terms of storage and portability, both units are designed to be compact with the Bissell Little Green being lighter and more suited for small storage spaces. The Hoover Cleanslate is still easy to carry, thanks to its robust carrying handle—making it portable despite its larger size.


The ease of maintenance is critical for longevity. The Bissell Little Green’s 3-inch Tough Stain Tool is straightforward to clean. On the flip side, what I appreciate about the Hoover Cleanslate is its HydroRinse Tool, which allows for a hassle-free hose rinse after use, contributing to maintenance being more manageable.

Additional Accessories

Exploring the attachments and accessories, the Hoover Cleanslate comes out ahead with multiple cleaning tools, enhancing its versatility for different types of stains and surfaces. For instance, having more than just the basic tool allowed me to tackle various cleaning tasks more effectively, as opposed to the single tool provided with the Bissell Little Green.

In my experience, both models have their advantages, but the Hoover Cleanslate offers more in terms of convenience features which can save time and make cleaning an easier, more pleasant task.

Pet Owners’ Considerations

In my extensive experience with both the Hoover CleanSlate and the Bissell Little Green, I’ve found that pet owners have specific needs for maintaining a clean home. These needs primarily revolve around effective pet stain and odor removal, suitable attachments for dealing with pet hair, and pet-friendly cleaning formulas.

Pet Stain and Odor Removal

The Hoover CleanSlate has proved itself highly effective at removing stubborn pet stains and neutralizing odors. It employs a strong suction force and a warm cleaning solution to loosen and lift stains from carpets and upholstery. Bissell Little Green is also effective, using a combination of scrubbing action and suction to address pet-related messes. For odors, Bissell’s cleaning formulas are designed to tackle pet smells, leaving fabrics smelling fresh.

  • Hoover CleanSlate: Powerful suction, warm water capability
  • Bissell Little Green: Strong scrubbing action, specialized pet odor formulas

Specialized Attachments for Pet Hair

Both devices come with attachments that make them quite adept at dealing with pet hair on various fabrics. I particularly noticed that the Bissell Little Green includes a tough-stain brush tool, which helps in lifting hair and debris. On the other hand, the Hoover CleanSlate is equipped with its Rubber Nub Tool, ideal for pet hair collection due to the rubber nubs’ ability to gather hair without it sticking to the tool.

  • Hoover CleanSlate: Rubber Nub Tool
  • Bissell Little Green: Tough-stain brush tool

Pet-Friendly Formulas

When cleaning up after pets, it’s critical to use solutions that are safe for them. Both Hoover and Bissell offer pet-friendly cleaning formulas. From my use, Bissell’s formulas often include biodegradable detergents, while Hoover’s cleaning solutions are formulated to be non-toxic and safe for pets. It’s reassuring to know that the chemicals used during cleanup won’t harm your furry friends if they come into contact with treated areas.

  • Hoover: Non-toxic, pet-safe solution
  • Bissell: Biodegradable, pet-friendly detergent

User Experience

In my hands-on time with the Hoover CleanSlate and the Bissell Little Green, I’ve gathered substantial user insights that reflect on their usability and support services.

Customer Reviews and Feedback

When reviewing the Hoover CleanSlate, users frequently commend its 1-gallon water tank which allows for more cleaning before the need for a refill. The ample capacity paired with its cleaning performance seems to grant it an edge for larger areas. However, its weight is a common concern; the unit is bulkier, which can impact maneuverability during use.

Contrastingly, the Bissell Little Green is often lauded for its extreme portability, owing to its lighter weight and more compact size. Users appreciate this appliance for smaller clean-ups and its ability to navigate tough-to-reach spots comfortably. Despite the praise for its convenience, some users believe the smaller 0.5-gallon tank is a limitation, necessitating more frequent refilling especially during extensive cleaning sessions.

Warranty and Support

Hoover stands by the CleanSlate with a warranty that assures users of reliable post-purchase support. My experience with their service was straightforward and the representatives were helpful in addressing issues.

Bissell, on the other hand, supports the Little Green with a similar commitment to customer satisfaction. They provide a clear warranty and their customer service network is known for being responsive and accommodating. Based on my interactions and user testimonials, Bissell’s support system is reliable and assures a positive user experience post-purchase.

Practical Applications

In my experience handling various cleaning tasks, I’ve found that both the Hoover CleanSlate and the Bissell Little Green offer practical solutions, though their suitability varies depending on the scenario.

Home Use Scenarios

Furniture and Upholstery: I’ve used the Bissell Little Green on my sofas and armchairs, and its 3-inch Tough Stain Tool made short work of surface debris and recent spills. However, for more entrenched dirt or for freshening up larger areas, the Hoover CleanSlate, with its multiple tool attachments, allowed me to tackle a diversity of furniture fabrics effectively.

Tiles and Hard Surfaces: When it comes to tile floors in kitchens and bathrooms, I found that the Hoover CleanSlate’s larger water tank and versatile tools were particularly useful. I could clean longer without needing to refill and address grout lines where tough stains tend to accumulate. The Bissell Little Green, while compact, requires more frequent water changes, but is highly maneuverable for quick spot cleaning on tile surfaces.

Professional Cleaning Jobs

When addressing professional cleaning needs, the depth and frequency of cleaning are paramount.

High Traffic Areas: In areas with heavy foot traffic which accumulate a lot of dirt and debris, I prefer the Hoover CleanSlate for its larger capacity and robust cleaning power. Its gallon-sized water tank means I can cover more ground, which is crucial in time-sensitive professional settings.

Technology and Specialty Fabrics: For delicate tech interfaces or specialty furniture fabrics within office spaces, both machines need a gentle touch. I use the finer attachments of the Hoover CleanSlate for precision, ensuring not to oversaturate electronic areas. With the Bissell Little Green, due to its smaller size and the precise nature of its cleaning tool, I can also confidently address spills and stains near sensitive equipment without worry.

Mobility for Multi-Location Jobs: If the job requires moving from place to place, the lighter Bissell Little Green is easily transported, and I’ve found it convenient for jobs requiring movement between locations. Conversely, the Hoover CleanSlate, though bulkier, is better suited for sustained cleaning at a single location, where setting up once for extended cleaning makes more sense.

Portability and Lifestyle

In my experience with both the Hoover Cleanslate and the Bissell Little Green, their designs cater to different portability and lifestyle needs. Let’s dive into specifics for small spaces and vehicle cleaning.

For Small Spaces and Apartments

For those of us with limited storage and living in small apartments, size and storage capability are crucial. I find that the Bissell Little Green shines in this setting due to its compact size. With a 0.5-gallon tank capacity, it occupies less space and is easy to store in a closet or corner after use. It’s particularly suitable for quick cleanups and can be effortlessly moved from room to room, even if you’re short on space.

For Cars and Outdoor Use

When it comes to cleaning cars or tackling outdoor messes, the discussion often revolves around the portability of the device. While the Hoover Cleanslate is heavier compared to the Bissell Little Green, its robust design comes with benefits for these environments. With a 1-gallon tank, it holds more water which means I can clean more area without needing to refill. However, its larger size can be a factor to consider if you’ll frequently move the cleaner in and out of a vehicle.

In terms of actual use in cars, the Hoover Cleanslate’s wider array of tools offers more versatility for reaching into nooks and crannies commonly found in automotive interiors. However, its heavier build means it takes a bit more effort to maneuver. On the flip side, the Bissell Little Green’s smaller form factor and lighter weight make it quite handy for routine car seat and upholstery maintenance.

Through my extensive use, I can say both cleaners have their places depending on your lifestyle demands. Choose the one that best matches your space constraints and cleaning scenarios.

Advanced Features and Technology

Through my extensive testing of the Hoover CleanSlate and the Bissell Little Green, I’ve observed key differentiated technologies and features that make each model unique in their functionality and user experience.

Innovative Cleaning Technologies

The Hoover CleanSlate utilizes a HydroRinse self-cleaning tool, which significantly simplifies the maintenance of the device. I’ve found this feature to be a time-saver, as it helps rinse the hose clean after use, ensuring that no residue is left inside. Conversely, Bissell Little Green lacks a comparable self-cleaning mechanism, which means manual cleaning is necessary. Both models utilize strong suction and cleaning solutions to lift stains, but Hoover offers more versatile tools and attachments to tackle different types of stains.

Cordless and Battery Life

While both devices are known for their portability, the topic of cordless operation is mostly irrelevant as neither the Hoover CleanSlate nor the Bissell Little Green are battery-powered. They rely on a power cord for continuous electricity. From my tests, cord length was never a concern; however, it is key to ensure easy access to a power outlet to avoid any inconvenience during cleaning sessions.

Smart Home Integration

As of now, neither the Hoover CleanSlate nor the Bissell Little Green boasts features for smart home integration. They are standalone units with a focus on direct hands-on functionality. In my use, the simplicity of these devices means there’s less that can go wrong and less setup involved, allowing a user to concentrate on the cleaning task at hand without digital complications.

Through my hands-on comparisons, it’s evident that both these cleaning devices prioritize functional technology that directly enhances their core purpose — effective spot cleaning — above advanced digital features.

Cost and Value Considerations

In assessing the Hoover CleanSlate and Bissell Little Green, I have closely examined their cost-effectiveness and potential as long-term investments. I’ve compared their prices and features to ensure they meet various budget requirements and deliver real value for their cost.

Initial Purchase Price

Hoover CleanSlate:

  • Retail Price: Approximately $200

Bissell Little Green:

  • Retail Price: Around $100

Based on my experience, the Bissell Little Green sits at a lower price point, making it an attractive option for those with a tight budget. The Hoover CleanSlate, though, may have additional features justifying its higher cost.

Long-Term Investment

Durability: From my use, both machines seem well-built, but longevity ultimately depends on the regularity of use and maintenance. Investing in either machine requires consideration of not just the upfront cost but also the durability and expected life span.

Replacement Parts and Maintenance: Lower-priced models can sometimes lead to higher maintenance costs. My investigation into the availability and cost of replacement parts for both the CleanSlate and Little Green suggests that maintaining both machines should be relatively cost-efficient.

Comparing Against Competitors

When viewed against other competitors, the Hoover CleanSlate and Bissell Little Green stand out for their functionality and price range. The CleanSlate’s larger tank capacity can offer increased convenience for larger areas or less frequent emptying, while the Little Green’s compactness and lower price make it suitable for more modest clean-ups or consumers mindful of storage space. Both are competitive, yet their value is contingent upon your specific needs and the features most important to you, like tank capacity and portability.

Environmental and Health Impacts

When comparing the Hoover CleanSlate and the Bissell Little Green, it’s important to consider both the environmental and health impacts of using these devices. I’ve carefully assessed their cleaning solutions, energy use, and effects on air quality to ensure that you can make an informed decision.

Cleaning Solutions and Chemicals

In my experience, the cleaning solutions provided by both Hoover and Bissell are effective, but their environmental footprint varies. Hoover’s CleanSlate typically uses a proprietary cleaning formula that has been designed to tackle tough stains. The Bissell Little Green, on the other hand, offers a variety of cleaning solutions that can include biodegradable formulas.

  • Hoover: The solutions often contain chemicals that may have environmental implications, but are efficient in stain removal.
  • Bissell: Offers a range of formulas, some of which are eco-friendly and use less harsh chemicals.

Energy Efficiency and Noise Level

Regarding energy use, the Hoover CleanSlate and Bissell Little Green are both designed to be energy-efficient, although the actual energy consumption can depend on the cleaning intensity and duration. I’ve found that:

  • Hoover CleanSlate tends to heat water quickly, which can save energy over longer cleaning sessions.
  • Bissell Little Green operates with a smaller motor which might result in a slightly lower energy use, but may also reduce its heating capability.

For noise level, neither device is silent, but the Bissell Little Green operates at a lower decibel level compared to the Hoover CleanSlate, making it a quieter option for sensitive environments.

Air Quality and Allergens

Both devices impact air quality and allergen removal. The filtration system in a vacuum is crucial for trapping dust and allergens.

  • Hoover CleanSlate: Incorporates good suction and a reliable filtration system that contributes to improving air quality.
  • Bissell Little Green: The compact design and suction power are adequate for allergen removal, though it doesn’t explicitly feature an advanced air filtration system.

My testing reveals that both devices can maintain good air quality, provided they’re used properly and filters are cleaned or replaced regularly.

Popular Culture and Media

Having thoroughly tested both the Hoover CleanSlate and the Bissell Little Green, I’ve noted how their presence in popular culture and media is shaped by user experience and shared through modern platforms.

Social Media Presence

The Hoover CleanSlate and Bissell Little Green have carved out their own unique spaces on social media. On platforms like Instagram and Facebook, both brands showcase positive testimonials and highlight the convenience of their portable design. I have seen that Bissell emphasizes its commitment to pet owners by sharing user-generated content that features the Bissell Little Green in action against pet stains.

  • TikTok: The influence of video-sharing platforms like TikTok cannot be overstated. Short, impactful cleaning demonstrations have become a staple for both devices, but it’s here that the Bissell Little Green often steals the spotlight. Its quick stain removal capabilities make for satisfying before-and-after sequences.

Viral Moments and Trends

A specific trend captured my attention on TikTok. Users have posted time-lapse videos of themselves tackling a particularly challenging stain, usually with the Bissell Little Green, resulting in visually compelling content that showcases the product’s effectiveness.

  • Viral Videos: While the Hoover CleanSlate hasn’t had quite the same viral moment as the Bissell Little Green, several comparison videos have gained traction, highlighting key specifications and performance differences. These comparison videos are valuable as they allow consumers to see real-world examples of the products in action, beyond what is featured in commercials or on the box.

By engaging with customers through relatable content on social media platforms, both Hoover and Bissell have managed to keep their products within the public eye, often encouraging new trends and discussions about cleaning efficacy and ease of use.


Having thoroughly tested both the Hoover CleanSlate and the Bissell Little Green, I found that each machine has its strengths tailored to a variety of cleaning tasks. The Hoover CleanSlate’s performance is robust with advanced technology that facilitates effective removal of dirt and stains from carpets. Its design is particularly adept at handling tough messes, and I appreciate how speedily it operates.

In contrast, the Bissell Little Green proves to be exceptionally user-friendly with a lightweight construction that enhances its portability. Its ability to deal with everyday spills and targeted stain removal efficiently cannot be overlooked. Both models possess attributes desirable in a portable cleaner, such as:

  • Ease of Use: Straightforward controls and maneuverability.
  • Cleaning Efficiency: They produce satisfactory results on various stains.
  • Portability: Light enough to transport around the home.

In choosing between the two, I consider not just the cleaning power but also the specific needs one might have. For heavy-duty cleaning, the Hoover CleanSlate might be the better option. If one is looking for a machine that’s easy to carry around for quick clean-ups, the Bissell Little Green might be more appropriate.

My analysis remains neutral, yet I am confident in my assessment based on direct experience with both appliances. My aim is to provide clear information to assist in making an informed decision. Remember, the best choice will depend on the individual cleaning requirements and expectations for a carpet cleaner.


  • Kevin L. Morris

    Hey there, I’m Kevin, from Colorado! I have been passionate about repairing appliances and electronics for the past 18 years. Modern vacuum cleaners break or malfunction way too often, so I have decided to contribute to vacuupedia.net and help my online readers with anything related to vacuums repair. I can’t wait to help you get your vacuum cleaner working again!

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